Transitions in 2024!

NEW! In her April 2024 letter our President, Diane McGeoch writes: 

UPS AND DOWNS AND IN BETWEENS I am an avid cross-country skier. Sadly, my skiing season this year didn’t happen due to tendinitis in my foot which had surgery in 2022. And we had a low snow year, so there wasn’t a lot of natural snow even in the mountain areas a few hours drive away. One year I was cross-country skiing in very icy conditions. I went forward on. Being stuck in the middle of a hill is no fun. the trail, only to slip backwards a few times. Then forward again, then backwards great Do I try to keep going uphill? Or should I turn around and go back down, in some. Sometimes on the hilly trails I stride up the hill, then slide back a bit if the conditions aren’t cases, sliding down if I can’t maintain my snowplow? Every time I’ve been in this situation I’ve had to make a difficult choice, depending on the terrain, the conditions, how tired I am, how confident I feel and other factors. Once my brother, who is an expert skier, called out “Come on you can make it,” and I got to the top of a large hill with his encouragement...

To read Diane's April letter in its entirety, please find it under our new Transitions 2024/President's Letters menu!

NEW! March 2024 Newsletter is here!

Our Theme/Focus for 2024!

This year's theme will focus on TRANSITIONS, not only for the Christian Education Network but also for each of us in our various ministries. We pray that each of us will be blessed to be a blessing as we continue to serve God in new and exciting ways!

Our Mission

Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation.

Our Vision

Building a community which equips, encourages, and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world.

The CENetwork will:

  • Identify and evaluate resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitate communication and conversation
  • Offer guidance, networking and mutual support
  • Nurture spiritual growth online and face to face

Connect with us!